The Government’s furlough scheme (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme) is now up and running. You may have been following our updates on this scheme which aims to protect both businesses and individual jobs by granting up to 80% of furloughed staff salaries up to a monthly cap of £2,500. You can now apply for this money on HMRC’s online portal [click here]. In order to make your claim you will need a Government Gateway ID and password, which is easy to set up. You will also need an active PAYE enrolment. Once you have entered your claim, and it has been approved, the money itself should be received within 6 working days.
NOTE: The application needs to be done in one session. You cannot save your information and then go back to it so make sure you have all the relevant information to hand.
If you are struggling or you have any other queries please don’t hesitate to speak to your normal contact at Lubbock Fine.